Plant ecophysiologist and structural biologist. I am group leader of the indoor farming research group at Biopterre, in the province of Québec, Canada. My group works on smart cultivation techniques (use of AI in decision making, indoor cultivation, use of LEDs) and on the production of secodnary metabolites in plants (cannabis and plants for the pharmaceutical industry). I was also until recently affiliated with the Institute of Botany, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU Wien), Austria.

Recent papers

Legacy effects of past water abundance shape trees 7-years later. Chin ARO, Gessler A, Lain-Lacosta O, Østerlund I, Schaub M, Théroux-Rancourt G, Voggeneder K, Hille Ris Lambers J. (2025) American Journal of Botany e16452. free full text

Into the spongy-verse: structural differences between leaf and flower mesophyll. Schreel JDM, Théroux-Rancourt G, Diggle PK, Brodersen CR, Roddy AB. (2024) Integrative and Comparative Biology Icae154.

Linking foliar structure to function: why and how. (2024) Schreel JDM, Théroux-Rancourt G, Roddy AB.Functional Plant Biology 51, FP24150.

Analyzing anatomy over three dimensions unpacks the differences in mesophyll diffusive area between sun and shade Vitis vinifera leaves. Théroux-Rancourt G, Herrera C, Voggeneder K, Luijken N, Nocker L, Savi T, Scheffknecht S, Schneck M, Tholen D. (2023) AoB Plants 15, plad001.